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Showing posts from August, 2016

Cyber Crime

Cyber crime is the latest and perhaps the most complicated problem in the cyber world. Any criminal activity that uses a computer either as an instrumentality, target or a means for perpetuating further crimes comes within the ambit of cyber crime. It is rapidly evolving from simple e-mail mischief. The types of cyber crimes include pornography, cyber fraud, defamation, cyber stalking, harassment, IPR theft, data hostage, money laundering, phishing, e-mail bombing, cyber war, illegal EFT. Cyber crime is different and more heinous than conventional crime as in cyber crime; the crime is committed in an electronic medium. Cyber Crime in the Act is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive. Capacity of human mind is unfathomable. It is not possible to eliminate cyber crime from the cyber space. However, it is quite possible to check them. The home user segment is the largest recipient of cyber attacks as they are less likely to have established security measures in place. Users must try an

Money cannot buy happiness . . . It is only moral and spiritual development that gives us happiness.

SOLUTION TO MODEL QUESTIONS 1. (a) ( i) How does the writer define happiness ? ( ii) what gives man happiness?  Answer: (i)  According to the writer happiness is totally a psychological matter. It is a f eeling which contents one's mind.  i i)  A man's happiness depends on the satisfaction of his mind. when a man is totally satisfied with what he gets , he will be a happy man.  So satisfaction of getting anything gives a man happiness. 

State and explain Coulombs law

St a te:                                                                                                          Coulomb s la w of elect rostati c s st a te that the for ce bet w een t w o po in t charges at rest directly proportional to the product to their strength and is in versuly proportional to the square of the distance between them.

What is cyber crime ? Who are the computer criminals (hacker & cracker)?

Cybercrime: Cybercrime is a term for any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary means of commission. The U.S. Department of Justice expands the definition of cybercrime to include any illegal activity that uses a computer for the storage of evidence. Computer criminals: Computer criminals perform illegal cat by using computer. Hacker and Crackers: Hackers do it “for fun” but crackers have malicious intent. So which person do it for fun, this person call Hacker. Which person do it malicious intent, this person call Crackers.

Threats against computer and communication. How to prevent threats?

There has some protection or prevention to computer and communication threats are following__ i)  Keep software and security patches up to date. ii)  Configure security settings of operating system, internet browser and security software. iii)  Use a reputable internet security program to block unsolicited bequests for outbound communication. iv) Do not accept or open suspicious error dialogs from witwin browser. v) Install spam filleting / blocking software. vi) It any email is stored in spam do not respond, just delete it. vii) Delete all unwanted massages without opening. viii) Only transfer files from well-known sources.

What is piracy? What is hardware and software piracy?

The illegal copping or use of computer system its call piracy.  Hardware Piracy: The illegal use and sale of hardware is called hardware piracy. Software Piracy: The illegal copping o r use of software programs is called software piracy. Types of software piracy include: §   Soft lifting: Borrowing and installing a copy of a software application from a colleague. §   Client-server overuse: Installing more copies of the software than you have licenses for. §   Hard-disk loading: Installing and selling unauthorized copies of software on refurbished or new computers. §   Counterfeiting: Duplicating and selling copyrighted programs. §   Online piracy: Typically involves downloading illegal software from peer-to-peer network, Internet auction or blog.

What is firmware & DTP?

Firmware: Firmware is software that is embedded in a piece of hardware. In electronic system and computing firmware is a term often used to denoted the fixed, usually rather small, programs. DTP: Desktop Publishing (DTP) software is the creation of printed materials using page layout on a personal computer. List of Desktop publishing software are___   Aldus Personal press.   Adobe Frame Maker.   Coral Ventura.    Adobe Page Maker.    Microsoft Office Publisher.  

Different between S/w & H/w

Different between S/w & H/w ___ 

Language processors: Translator, Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter.

Translator: The program, which is used for translating code that a programmer writes into a form that the computer can execute (machine code), is called translator. There are 3 types of system software used for translating__ 1.       Compiler. 2.       Interpreter. 3.       Assembler.

What do you mean by Batch processing, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, Real time ,time sharing and Network operating system ?

Answer:  Operating system can be classified into the following categories__ Batch processing operating system. 1.       Multiprogramming operating system. 2.       Multiprocessing operating system. 3.       Time sharing operating system. 4.       Real time operating system. 5.       Network operating system.

Differences between application s/w and system s/w

Answer: System Software Application Software System software gets installed when the operating system is installed on the computer. Application software is installed according to the requirements of the user. System software includes programs such as compilers, debuggers, drivers, assemblers. Application software includes media players, word processors, and spreadsheet programs. Generally, users do not interact with system software as it works in the background whereas users interact with application software. Application software doing different activities.             A computer may not require more than one type of system software. There may be a number of application software programs installed on the computer at the same time. System software can run independently of the application software. Application software cannot run without th

Write the basic tasks of each layer of OSI model


Data traffic moves: simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex.

Answer:  There are three ways, or modes, for transmitting data from one point to another. The names are shown down__ 1.       Simplex. 2.       Half Duplex. 3.       Full Duplex.

What is network topology? Deferent type network topology.

Answer: Network topology: Network topology is the arrangement of the various elements of a computer network. Such as links, nodes, etc. Deferent type network topology: Computer network topology can be classified 6 classes. The name are show down_ 1.       Star network topology. 2.       Ring network topology. 3.       Completely connected network topology. 4.       Bus network topology. 5.       Tree network topology. 6.       Hybrid network topology.

Differences between positional and non-positional number system?

Answer: Positional Number System: In positional number system, there are only a few symbols called digits, and these symbols represent different values depending on the position they occupy in the number. The value of each digit in such a number is determined by three considerations__ 1.       The digit. 2.       The position of the digit in the number. 3.       The base of the number system.

Draw the basic organization of computer

Answer:                 The basic organization of computer__ Input Unit: ·          It accepts (or reads) instructions and data from outside. ·          It converts these instructions and data in computer acceptable form ·          It supplies the converted instructions and data to the computer system for further processing. Central Processing Unit (CPU): Control Unit: Control unit of a computer system manages and coordinates the operations of all other components of the computer system. Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU): Arithmetic logic unit of a computer system is the place, where the actual executions of instruction, takes place during processing operation. Storage Unit: Primary Memory: It is volatile ( loses data on power dissipation). It is used to hold running program instruction, data, intermediate results, and results of ongoing processing of jobs. Secondary Memory: It i

What are the characteristics of a computer system?

Answer: A computer system is a collection of hardware and software components designed to provide an effective tool for computation. Computer system allows us to store, process, and display and communicate information. In any modern computer system even a simple one, in general needs several different programs in order to accomplish its various functions.

Why primary memory is faster than secondary memory?

Answer: Primary memory or RAM is faster to access because it is wired directly to the processor. It is used by the system to perform operations while programs are running.  Secondary memory is usually somewhat slower and is used for permanent storage of information. Examples are hard disks, floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, flash memory, etc. Examples are cache, RAM, and ROM.

What is BUS? What are the deferent types of system BUS?

Answer: A bus is a subsystem that is used to connect computer components and transfer data between them. For example, an internal bus connects computer internals to the motherboard. The CPU moves data around the computer on pathways that interconnect it to all the other components on the motherboard. These pathways are called 'buses'. The internal bus carries data within the motherboard. External buses carry data to peripherals and other devices attached to the motherboard.

What do you meant by cache memory? What are the functions of it in the computer system? How it is different from primary memory?

Answer: A small of fast memory that sis between RAM and CPU is called cache memory. The functions of cache memory in the computer system are __ ·          CPU requests contents of memory location ·          If present, get from cache(fast) ·          If not present, read required block from main memory to cache. ·          Then deliver from cache to CPU Different from Primary Memory and Cache Memory:

Write down the differences between RAM and ROM

Answer: There is one major difference between a ROM and a RAM chip. A ROM chip is  non-volatile  storage and does not require a constant source of power to retain information stored on it. When power is lost or turned off, a ROM chip will keep the information stored on it. In contrast, a RAM chip is  volatile  and requires a constant source of power to retain information. When power is lost or turned off, a RAM chip will lose the information stored on it.

What is printer? How laser printers work?

Answer: Printer: A printer is an output device that produces text and graphical on a physical medium such as paper. Laser printers work: A laser printer produces good quality images and text by the same technology that photocopiers use. Laser printers are faster than ink jet printers. Their speed is rated in paper per minute (ppm).

Explain continue and break statement with program example

Answer:  C ontinue Statement : The continue statement skips some statements inside the loop. The continue statement is used with decision making statement such as if...else.