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What is fiber optic cable technology ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic?


Fiber optic cable technology:A technology that uses glass (or plastic) fibers to transmit data. A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting.

·         They provide high quality (low error rate) transmission of signals at very high speeds.,
·         In comparison to copper, a fiber optic cable has nearly 4.5 times as much capacity as the wire cable has and a cross sectional area that is 30 times less.
·         Optical fibers are difficult to tap.  As they do not radiate electromagnetic energy, emissions cannot be intercepted. 
·         An optical fiber has greater tensile strength than copper or steel fibers of the same diameter.  It is flexible, bends easily and resists most corrosive elements that attack copper cable.
·         The raw materials for glass are plentiful, unlike copper.  This means glass can be made more cheaply than copper. 
·         Limited physical arc of cable. Bend it too much and it will break.
·         Difficult to splice.
·         Physical vibration will show up as signal noise.

·         Loss of light in fiber due to scattering. (Attenuation)

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