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Identify the categories of computer hardware with example


Computer hardware can be divided into five categories__
1.      Input Hardware.
2.      Processing Hardware.
3.      Storage Hardware.
4.      Output Hardware.
5.      Communication Hardware.

Input Hardware:The function of input hardware is to collect data and convert it into a form suitable for computer processing.
Example: Key-Board, Mouse, Mouse, Touchpad, Touchscreen, Pen input

Processing Hardware:The function of processing hardware is to retrieve and execute instructions provide to the computer. Processing may consist of performing calculations and other logical activities.
Example: CPU, main memory.

Storage Hardware:The function of storage hardware is to provide a means of storing software data in a form that is relatively permanent or nonvolatile.
Example: HDD

Output Hardware:The function of Output hardware is to provide the user with the means to view information produced by the computer system. Information is output in either hardcopy and softcopy form.
Example: Monitor, Projection display, Speaker, Headphone, printer.
Communication Hardware:The function of communication hardware is to facilitate the connections between computers and between groups of connected computers.

Example: Modem, cable, fax modem.

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