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Money cannot buy happiness . . . It is only moral and spiritual development that gives us happiness.


1. (a) (i) How does the writer define happiness ?
(ii) what gives man happiness? 
(i)  According to the writer happiness is totally a psychological matter. It is a feeling which contents one's mind. 

ii)  A man's happiness depends on the satisfaction of his mind. when a man is totally satisfied with what he gets, he will be a happy man.  So satisfaction of getting anything gives a man happiness. 

b)  What is the main idea and what are the supporting ideas in the passage:

Happiness  is the main idea of the passage. 
The supporting ideas are as follow: 
(i) Happiness cannot be bought.
(ii)  Happiness is a psychological matter.
(iii)  The poor are happier than the rich.
(iv)  Happiness Is related with honesty and virtue.
(v)  Moral and spiritual development gives us happiness.

(c)  write down the meaning of the following words in English and make sentences with them(any four). 

necessarily, absolutely,  contentment,  lead,  anxiety, virtuous, anguish

 necessarily (needfully)-  He did it necessarily.
absolutely (fully)-  He is absolutely right.
contentment (satisfaction)-I find contentment in reading novels.
lead (pass)-  He leads a happy life. 
anxiety (tense)  He shows no anxiety.
virtuous (honest)-  He is virtuous. 
anguish (agony)- Sin causes anguish.

(d)  What is the key-word in the last sentence of the passage?  How does it help you understand the meaning of this sentence?

Happiness is the key word in the last sentence of the passage.  Because syntactically the key word is very important as it is the object of the transitive verb gives Again the moral and spiritual development are related with the key word, happiness. Contextually it is important as well.  All the sentences of the passage have been dealt with the very  single word happiness'.  Thus the key word helps to understand the last sentence.

(e)  Write a summary of the passage.


Happiness cannot be bought.  It is a psychological factor.  Contentment or satisfaction of getting anything gives happiness. If money would give happiness, the  rich would have been the happiest men in the world.  But it does not happen.  Rather the poor can enjoy a sound sleep which the rich cannot. Actually moral and spiritual development gives us happiness.  

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