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Explain the basic structure of a C program.



Documentation Section
Ø  It is set of Comment Line
Ø  It includes Title Of Program, Author Name
Ø  Data Used Or summary Information

Link Section
Ø  It is also called Header File Declaration Section
Ø  It Links Compiler to Link Functions From System Library

Definition Section
Ø  Defines Symbolic Constants
Ø  Eg. #define Count 10

Global Declaration Section
Ø  Variables that are accessed by one or more functions are called Global Variable
Ø  Global Variables are declared in this Section
Ø  Global VAriables are Always Declared outside of all Functions
Ø  Has Prototype Declaration Of C Functions
Ø  May Contain Function Definition

Main function Section
Ø  Used to start of actual C program
Ø  It includes two parts as declaration part and executable part
Variable declaration section: Used to declare private variable
Function declaration section: Used to declare functions of program from which we get required output.

Subprogram Section
Ø  It has all User-defined Functions that are called in main
Ø  User Defined Functions are generally placed immediately after main

Ø  Program Execution begins at Opening Brase
Ø  Program Execution ends at Closing Brase

Ø  All Statements in C must ends with Semicolon 

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